With Microsoft Teams being as popular as it is now, it is even more important for administrators to manage it effectively. Microsoft Teams provides a PowerShell module available for install using the following command:

Install-Module MicrosoftTeams
Import-Module MicrosoftTeams

You can, however, use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell instead to perform many of the same administration tasks. You can find the documentation here:


As always, to install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell modules, you can use these commands:

Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
Select-MgProfile -Name "beta"
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph

Next, you need to connect to the Microsoft Graph with the specific scopes or permissions for managing Microsoft Teams.

$scopes = @(

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes $scopes

Once connected, you can start to execute commands. For these examples to work, I have already retrieved the Team ID using other PowerShell.

$object = Get-Team -DisplayName "SOC Team"

Some examples are below:

NOTE: No comments on the use or lack of use of backticks, splatting, or class instantiation either; it is just for layout on the post 🙂

View Microsoft Team Details

$team = Get-MgTeam -TeamID $object.GroupId

$team | Select-Object *

View Microsoft Team Channels

$channels = Get-MgTeamChannel -TeamId $object.GroupId

$channels | Select-Object *

View Microsoft Team Members

$members = Get-MgTeamMember -TeamId $object.GroupId

$members | Select-Object *

Create a New Microsoft Team

$teamname = "PowerShell Team"
$teamdescription = "PowerShell Team Description"
$teamvisibility = "public"

$funSettings = @{ 
		"allowGiphy" = "false"; 
		"giphyContentRating" = "strict"; 
		"allowStickersAndMemes" = "false"; 
		"allowCustomMemes" = "false"; 

$memberSettings =  @{ 
	"allowCreateUpdateChannels" = "true"; 
	"allowCreatePrivateChannels" = "false"; 
	"allowDeleteChannels" = "true"; 
	"allowAddRemoveApps" = "false"; 
	"allowCreateUpdateRemoveTabs" = "false"; 
	"allowCreateUpdateRemoveConnectors" = "false"; 

$guestSettings = @{ 
        "allowCreateUpdateChannels" = "false"; 
        "allowDeleteChannels" = "false"; 

$messagingSettings = @{ 
	"allowUserEditMessages" = "true"; 
        "allowUserDeleteMessages" = "true" ;
        "allowOwnerDeleteMessages" = "false"; 
        "allowTeamMentions" = "false"; 
        "allowChannelMentions" = "false"; 

Using Namespace Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models
	Template = [MicrosoftGraphTeamsTemplate]@{
        	Id = 'com.microsoft.teams.template.OrganizeHelpDesk'
	DisplayName  = $teamname
	Description = $teamdescription
	FunSettings  = $funSettings
	GuestSettings  = $guestSettings
	MessagingSettings = $messagingSettings
	MemberSettings = $memberSettings
	Visibility = $teamvisibility
} | New-MgTeam

Update a Microsoft Team

$funSettings = @{ `
		"allowGiphy" = "true"; `
		"giphyContentRating" = "moderate"; `
		"allowStickersAndMemes" = "true"; `
		"allowCustomMemes" = "true"; `
Update-MgTeam `
	-TeamId $object.GroupId `
	-FunSettings $funSettings

Add a Teams Channel

$channelname = "Commands"
$channeldescription = "Channel for Suggested Commands"

$channel = New-MgTeamChannel `
		-TeamId $object.GroupId `
		-DisplayName $channelname `
		-Description $channeldescription

Update Teams Channel

$channelname = "Cmdlets"
$channeldescription = "Channel for Suggested Cmdlets"

Update-MgTeamChannel `
	-ChannelId $channel.Id `
	-TeamId $object.GroupId `
	-DisplayName $channelname `
	-Description $channeldescription

Add a Teams Owner and Member

$owneruser = "adelev@M365x.OnMicrosoft.com"

$ownerteamuser = Get-MgUser `
	-UserId $user

$ownerproperties = @{
	"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember";
	"user@odata.bind" = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/" + $ownerteamuser.Id

$role = "owner"

New-MgTeamMember `
	-TeamId $object.GroupId `
	-Roles $role `
	-AdditionalProperties $ownerproperties
$memberuser = "adelev@M365x.OnMicrosoft.com"

$memberteamuser = Get-MgUser `
	-UserId $user

$memberproperties = @{
	"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember";
	"user@odata.bind" = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/" + $memberteamuser.Id

$role = "member"

New-MgTeamMember `
	-TeamId $object.GroupId `
	-Roles $role `
	-AdditionalProperties $memberproperties

Archive and Unarchive a Team

Invoke-MgArchiveTeam `
		-TeamId $object.GroupId

Invoke-MgUnarchiveTeam `
		-TeamId $object.GroupId

There are many more commands available; however, you will need to spend time within the Graph Explorer checking each command to ensure what format is required and if it will function as expected.

As the documentation updates, examples will be available to help in executing all of the commands.