Over the past few years I have used Kali Linux on a Raspberry PI, played with it and often carry one I my bag when traveling around speaking at conferences etc.

I recently felt the need and urge to wipe my existing Raspberry PI and setup Kali Linux 2.0. The setup process is exactly the same as the previous versions.

  1. Download the Raspberry PI File: http://images.kali.org/kali-2.0.1-rpi2.img.xz
  2. Extract the file so the “.img” is now extracted
  3. Now use your favorite tool, either “DD” or something like “Rufus” to extract the image file to the Micro SD Card

You can use the following articles to setup what you need.



Once you have it configured and ready, pop the card into the Raspberry PI, boot it up and see what happens. In previous versions it would boot into “console” mode with no user interface, however with Kali Linux 2.0, it boots directory into a cut down version of the full blown Kali Linux 2.0 User Interface.

Kali Linux Desktop

The menu has also been redesigned.

Kali Linux Menu

This is great as I can actually use this in conjunction with a touchscreen, allowing me to make changes and use applications without having to rely on an attached monitor. Even though this is great, the killer for me however is that Metasploit is not installed by default. In fact, if you are expecting “msfconsole” command to work it will fail.

Kali Linux Terminal

You will need to add this to the base image afterwards by using one of the many installation guides already out there 🙂